
Things every Indian Girl would like to Convince their Conventional Parents of

Indians are a potpourri of age-old traditions and progressive ideals. But, India has always harboured customs like sati, purdah system etc which bruise the female counterparts in the society, both externally and internally. These rites have normalised sexism which is now spoon-fed to the society and passed down from generation to generation like a family heirloom, to be guarded and protected.
Indian girls come across many misogynistic statements which shake them to their very core as they come from their dearly beloved family members and faithful gossip mongers.

Things every Indian Girl would like to Convince their Conventional Parents of
Things every Indian Girl would like to Convince their Conventional Parents of

So dear parents, is patriarchy not a noose enough that you also have to tie various bells around our necks as if we are animals to be tamed. These bells are constant reminders which ring every time we dress up like a ‘boy’ but we have the right to wrap our bodies with anything that speaks for our soul or better yet is comfortable to move around in. These bells ring every time we apply for a high end job where we supposedly won’t be able to churn out a family but know that babies are not our primary goal in life.

Dear parents, don’t tell us that the passion that drives us is “not a girl’s job.” Don’t tell us we should settle by 25 because we were made to do things that are larger-than-life. Things that’d bring a ripple effect of change. Let us fill ourselves to the brim with knowledge because it is power. Don’t undermine us with what’s between our thighs because even the world couldn’t understand it’s beauty and power. Our backs stand fractured from carrying the family’s honour and dignity.

Dear parents the predators that stay on the prowl for us will hunt at every opportunity because they crave the hunt, not the prey and because they like violence and control more than our little dresses.

We deserve slipping into blurry nights with our friend, Jack Daniels for fighting patriarchy all year round. Dear parents, we are as capable being a size 0 or a size 10. The cellulite on our bodies doesn’t make us any less worthy of love and affection. Dear parents don’t ask us to lower our voices because they are as revolutionary as our freedom fighters, both fighting for freedom. Our voices mean to counter the profane tongues that spew hate on us, dear parents don’t be one of them. You can choose to flout the rules patriarchy has forced down our throats.

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