
First date rules one must know

First Date Rules One Must Know: Relationships aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. Some prefer it casual so some like it to be deep and understanding. When getting into a relationship, preferably first people meet over a cup of coffee for a date. You obviously want to look approachable and impressive on your first date. To not miss out on any important date points, we tell you some of the first date rules that one should keep in mind. Following these, your date won’t go otherwise and will turn out epic.

The first date rules one must know:

1. Be punctual: To have a good first impression on your date, you should be on time to the date venue. There is no sane excuse you could give to your date for getting late as it would be the biggest turn-off. 

2. Put your phone away: Never let your date think that they are uninteresting for a good conversation. Keep your phone aside for a while and try to have a conversation together. Your WhatsApp chats can wait for a while. 

3. Be honest: Not in your insane dreams, you want to become a liar in somebody’s eyes in the very first meet. Try to be as honest as you can yet prudent enough to have your smart answers ready. 

4. Don’t be judgemental: Try to be as neutral as possible in your thoughts. Don’t let yourself being too judgemental in the very first go about the person. Try to know him/her better and then make up an image. 

5. Be a great listener: People says the more you converse the more you vibe but it’s also important to be a good listener. It’s important to not just say your part but also listen carefully to what other has to say. After all everybody has a story to tell. 

6. Try to keep the conversation alive: Don’t let the conversation die, if it does the date would go otherwise and you won’t want to stick up with a person you can’t converse open heartedly. So try to keep the conversation alive by talking about random stuffs that binds you two together even for a while. 

7. Never talk about your ex: Never, I repeat never ever talk about your past or ex in your first date. Maybe after a while it would get a necessary conversation you need to have with your partner but for the very first date it’s a very bad idea. Try to avoid any conversations that relates to your past and your ex. 

8. Dress up well: As it goes dress to impress. It’s important that you dress up according to your own self. Try to put up a decent closure of your self there. Don’t try to be someone you are not. 

9. Compliment each other: The key to make people contented about themselves is to compliment. It would be amazing if you compliment each other. Not just about the looks but anything or everything you like about that person. It’s a great idea to make people happy in the very first date. 

10. Choose the perfect place: An great ambience decides the vibe of your date. It’s important to choose a place that match up your level and standards. Choose a place you are comfortable meeting in. Don’t meet in a overcrowded space, it would ruin your personal space.

11. Donot haste things physically: Never on your first date take steps that leads to later regrets. It’s important for you to realise that things happen with time. Therefore, don’t let your aderanaline rush take over things. 

12. Always wave a contented goodbye: Remember, always have a happy to go goodbye face when you leave your date. It’s necessary to make the other person feel that you are happy to meet them, no matter how disastrous it has been.

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