English to Hindi translations: Tickling your funny bone

26 alphabets. More than 170,000 words. Yet sometimes, no combination of these alphabets come close to expressing what a word in Hindi could! English may be a funny language, but nothing beats Hindi! Here’s a list of some mind-boggling English to Hindi translations:

1. Stupid

Stupid: English to Hindi

2. Typo

Typo: English to Hindi

3. SMS

SMS: English to Hindi

4. Mosquito

Mosquito: translation

5. Button

Button: English to Hindi

6. Tie

Tie: English to Hindi translation

7. Wanna hang out?

Wanna hand out?: English to Hindi translation

8. Get lost

Get lost: English to Hindi translation

9. Let’s chill

Let's chip: English to Hindi translation

10. You’re kidding me

You're kidding me: English to Hindi translation

11. Holy crap

Holy crap: English to Hindi translation

12. I missed you so much

I missed you so much: translated

13. Elevator

Elevator: translated

14. Ironic

Ironic: translated

15. Sweetheart

Sweetheart: translated

16. Map

Map: translated

17. Virus

Virus: translated

18. Dissent

Dissent: translated

19. Internet

Internet: translated

20. Poor you

Poor you: translated

This versatile language never fails to impress us. Be it the laughs we get hearing funny movie titles or the feels we’re hit with after listening to beautiful shayaris! 

Hopefully, these English to Hindi translations have increased your vocabul-arey! 


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