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Tampon Myths – Busted!!!

Hey, do you have a tampon? It is an unusual question to hear in this “Pad- centric” country. Menstruation has been the secret talk of the town for centuries. From using cloth pieces to now using pads for decades. Tampons remain underutilized and in the shadow of its myths.

7 Tampon myths busted

tampon myths busted
Tampon myths busted!

According to a survey, 95% of the Indian women population is not even aware of the existence of tampons! Out of the 5% who know about it have been preys to tampon myths. A little hesitation, awkwardness is commonly observed in women due to a lack of awareness regarding tampons. However, its important to know the facts and stay away from the tampon myths.

1) Tampon causes loss of virginity

Firstly, virginity is a very debatable concept. Most people think inserting tampons will break your virginity by breaking your hymen. Let’s break this myth now, shall we?!

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Tampons make you lose your virginity is a MYTH!!!

The hymen is an elastic tissue that is extremely flexible and can easily accommodate a tampon. Also, breaking the hymen doesn’t mean you lose your virginity. To lose your v-card you need to have penetrative sex. Remember, the hymen can also be broken during aggressive physical activities like cycling and horse riding.

Fun fact- Some women are born without a hymen! So don’t worry ladies, your virginity is safe with you!

2) Tampons get “lost” in the vagina

There’s no such thing as a lost tampon (unless it’s at the bottom of your purse)! Our vaginas aren’t the size of a universe for the tampons to get lost in there! Let’s break this myth too!

Relax, nothing gets lost in your vagina!

If you’ve seen a tampon, you would know that they come with a long string attached to them. These prevent them from getting “lost” in our vaginal universe! You pull the string to pull out the tampon. Yes, it’s that easy. Also, once you get a hang of using tampons, you will know how far you have to insert it.

3) Change tampon each time you pee.

Say you pee around five times a day. So does it mean you’ll have to change five tampons in a day? Time to break this tampon myth!

tampon myth 3
change of tampon after peeing is a myth!

The female body has three holes down there. The urethra, the vagina, and the anus. Tampons are inserted in the vagina so there is no need for you to take out or change the tampon after each pee. Just adjust the string and you are good to go! However, it’s not recommended to keep tampons in for more than 8 hours.

4) They are uncomfortable and they hurt

A tampon is finger-sized, surely smaller than a pad. Yes, they can be uncomfortable to wear at the start but aren’t pads uncomfortable too? Pads often cause rashes, redness, leakage and not to mention infections.

tampons are better than pads
What’s better – Tampons or Pads?

Tampons are hassle-free and are a solution to all these problems. If you do feel slight pain you’re probably just nervous, which tightens up your muscles. Take a deep breath and try to relax. If you insert it and it feels uncomfortable, it’s probably because it’s not in far enough.

Once you get the hang of getting them in, trust me, you won’t even feel it’s presence.

5) They fall out

Here’s another myth to break! Tampons do not fall and come out rolling like a ball! It simply does not since it expands due to absorbing blood, it sits tightly once inserted.

they absorb and expand
Tampons expand and stay in rather than falling out.

Once inserted properly, the vaginal muscles hold the tampon in place and won’t let it come out even if you are running or jumping. When you feel slightly heavy in your uterus/lower abdomen, it is time to change the tampon. If you are pushing hard while pooping, your tampon might fall out. If that happens, insert a new one!

6) They cannot be worn underwater

This might be true for pads. But for tampons, it’s a totally baseless comment! Lets bust this myth shall we?!

It’s safe to wear tampons underwater

Unlike pads, one of the best advantages that tampons offer is that they let you enjoy water activities and do not float out of your body. Pads get wet and leaky but once inside, tampons do not come out in the water, even when the water currents are high. However, it’s advisable to change your tampon after a swim, depending upon your flow.

7) Shouldn’t wear tampons during the night

Tampons not only offer comfort but are also leakage-free if properly placed. This guarantees you a good night’s sleep.

break the tampon myth
Tampon myth busted!

Tampons have to be changed every 8 hours without fail. So it won’t cause any problems unless you want to sleep for 12 hrs! It’s advised to wear night pads in such conditions. So if you are an average person sleeping for 7-8 hrs a day, you can sleep with a tampon without worrying!

8) Tampons can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome

Its good to be aware of diseases like TSS. Toxic shock syndrome is caused by toxins is produced by a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus and can have life-threatening complications.

TSS is a rare disease
tampons and the Toxic Shock Syndrome

It’s important to note that it is very rare and with an incidence rate of approximately 1 in 2,407,079. TSS occurs only when the tampon is left inside the vagina for more than eight hours. Changing tampons every 8 hours is a simple hygienic practice to be followed.

If you know about any such tampon myths, break them in the comments below! Let’s educate people about tampons and break these myths which prevent them from using tampons.

Dear ladies, don’t hesitate to ask questions regarding tampons or even menstruation. Don’t hesitate in using tampons due to such myths. Ask professionals and educate yourselves and live a comfortable and active life even when in periods.

Do not judge it based on myths and rumors; use it, experience it, and decide.

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