
Reasons Behind Eye Twitching

All of us have experienced cases of eye twitching. Sometimes they’re mild enough for us to not even pay attention to them and sometimes they last for several weeks. Eye twitching, also known as Myokymia is involuntary spasms of the eyelid that usually feel like a gentle tug on the eye. Eye twitching is mostly painless but it’s an unnecessary sensation that can cause irritation and anger if it lasts for a longer period of time. 

eye twitching

I have experienced my fair share of eye twitches to know that they are severely underrated. I have done some research on what causes this understated monstrosity and here are some of them:


None of us are newbies to experiencing stress. At this point, even deciding on a Zomato order is enough to induce stress in our body. This is the primary cause of eye twitching. Taking regular breaks between our work and enjoying some time with our loved ones can help deal with inevitable stress.

Eye Strain

If you’re not playing on the PS4 then you’re probably sending your friend the message the cute guy sent. In any case, we’re always straining our eyes with all the electronic devices that we have hoarded. It’s probably a good idea to take a break every now and then and refresh your eyes with something that is not written on a screen.

Lack of sleep

We’ve all had sleepless nights. Sometimes it’s because the Geometry paper is tough beyond reason and sometimes it’s because GOT ended on a nasty cliffhanger. Whatever may the reason be, it’s essential to get 6-8 hours of daily sleep to keep the eye twitching at bay.


Allergies can also cause irritable sensations in the eye. Consult a doctor and take proper medication if the twitching increases.

Dry Eyes

If you have dry eyes then we advise you to put some eye drops to moisturize the eye and stop the twitching. Dry eyes can be caused if you wear contact lenses or take certain medicines or consume alcohol/caffeine.


Excessive amounts of alcohol can also lead to Myokymia. It is advised to regulate your beverage intake to ensure that your eyelids are in a state of relaxation.


Yes, you heard it right! Your beloved coffee could very well be the cause of your eye twitching. If you’re the kind that downs 4 cups a day, then you might want to hold back a bit. Don’t have coffee for a week and see if your twitching stops!

Usually, Myokymia can be treated by getting a proper amount of sleep, lubricating your eye with eye drops and reducing your intake of caffeine. If the condition worsens, you may want to consult a doctor.

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