
Psychological Facts About Love – Apply Them To Your Life

True love is when all of the psychological facts about love occur in our life. Even though psychological and philosophical facts have made it so clear about love, but still we doubt our feelings. Knowing some of the Psychological facts about love can lead to relaxation and a good relationship in our lives.

“The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” ~ Philip James Baily

We all know science plays an important role in our love stories.

Our brains have been taught to love, the dopamine and oxytocin chemicals can release such a love demand for the other. The cuddle hormone is also released from oxytocin.

The love of our life often runs into us after a few sacrifices and heartbreaks and we all love that feeling. Sometimes situations make us doubt our choices about the right person in our lives. So we just need to know some of the facts that’ll help us understand if that person is the love of our life or not! 

Love is not exclusive to humans

It’s not just about humans, animals can be caring to us and towards their partner too. Animal Kingdom devotes their life to love as well. Isn’t it great to see a lion and lioness happily walking together with their cubs or the apes hugging each other with all the tenderness? 

Animal couples are one of the best lovers because they love each other unconditionally, the way they get love, they would want to provide more than that. Not just to each other but also to their owner or anyone who loves them.

Lovers like animals can’t speak their wishes so they have to predict or imagine the needs of their partner and arrange it. Most of the animals also believe in love at first sight and that they were destined to be together.

Dogs have always loved unequivocally to their owners that when the dog leaves, the owner will be depressed. Dogs understand their owner’s feelings, their talks, their words, and reciprocate in their way. 

Attachment is not exclusive to romance! It doesn’t mean we can only love our partner/spouse. This means attachment to our parents, our pets, our aunts or siblings, it could be a friend of ours too. 

An attachment can be a pearl necklace or an old pocket watch which is of our ancestors and so on. We can also be attached to a gift that we’ve received or a memory that reminds us of someone no longer with us. 

Psychological facts about love- Knowing love

Humans can express their love in various ways. Expressing gratitude to our loved ones increases our happiness. It’s not always meant to be a card or any expensive gifts, sometimes just a little picnic or giving time to each other.

Spending time with each other is one of the major requirements we all have from our partners and our loved ones. Love is blind, well, because it only takes 4 minutes to realize whether you like that person or not. ONLY 4 MINUTES!

Hold Thy Hand

Holding hands is a rule in a relationship for all of us, why? We feel connected to the person and it relaxes us. It also relieves stress and makes us feel chivalrous and the care for by that person. Mentally, we become relieved about the situations going in our life and just feel the presence whenever our hands get the warmth of someone.

 Heart rate synchronizes when we hold our loved one’s hands because their breathing rate and our breathing rate are the same and we feel connected to them.

Speaking of hands, the fourth finger on our left hands directly connects to our hearts, that’s why we call it the ring finger, our love’s place! 

Let Eyes do the talking

Dilated pupils usually occur when we find someone attractive or when we start liking someone. Even if we have an adoration crush on someone or we love that person, this is what happens! These are like irresistible butterflies! When the first person looks into the other person’s eyes, the other person feels admired. And wants to give the same impression on the first one too, that’s exactly why we all keep looking into each other’s eyes. We can also call it ‘Eye Contact’! 

A picture of our loved ones can create a motivating or a soothing moment for us. Not only mentally but also if we’re going through some kind of physical pain, it lessens the misery. A picture of them can help us get over some problems and accept what it is. 

The mastermind behind the psychology of love

Do you love from your heart? If yes, why? 

Being in love increases the level of Dopamine which reduces sleep and appetite chemicals! Which means we are so “in love” that we are not able to eat and sleep. This chemical is released when we feel that way.

“Falling in love shuts off pre-frontal cortex of the brain making you do stupid and embarrassing things” This phrase is something everyone in love will understand it means we’re madly in love. That we do stupid things when we’re in love because nothing else matters to us except our loved ones! Some people do have regrets later but when we’re with our soulmate, we won’t regret it. That we’d go on a most stupid date or we’d be dancing in rain and making TikToks.

This is actually the “I love you till your pimples and your wrinkles” kind of love. 

Bewildered heart

Sometimes the situations are not yet relationship but just one step away from a relationship. Most people say that friendship leads to love but what if our heart doesn’t understand that? What if the heart is being a coward? Maybe our heart doesn’t know the consequences and the result, it could be good too according to our brain but we all know Heart is foolish! Just trust the instincts and go for it!

Well talking about brain and heart, the one main important thing we all haven’t discovered yet is- “Brain loves and not Heart”. Yes, you read it correctly! The brain gives stimulations to the heart to think about that person and the brain emanates the emotions (every emotion like pain, anger, love, frustration). The brain is the one we love from, yet the heart is a part of it!

The heart is the servant of the mastermind! 

The Perfect Psychological Couple

I’ve heard somewhere, that most single people in their teens are either secret lovers or one side lover. Most teenagers are shy to tell their crush about their feelings or if they even think about it, they overthink about the consequences. That again their heart might be broken or they’re just shy enough to tell them!

Later on, a person who has loved before the age of 16 will be picky. They’ll think about every step before opting for the path. They do not want their heart to be broken again because love is something very sensitive and the heart is way too delicate. They will try to ignore their feelings. 

Even if they do find, pretty good love, they’ll try to give every free millisecond, to their partner but if due to some issues or anything they can’t talk to their partner for more than 48 hours, it has been proved that they become heartsick.

They create scenarios in their mind, try to contact them anyhow, and do anything to meet them. Sometimes they are depressed if they’re in a long-distance relationship.

OPPOSITES ATTRACT AND SIMILAR ONES REPEL, is what we have always learned. And somehow this is as same as in humans! Like Talkative girls and silent boys makes the best couple.

“We love the things we love for what they are.” — Robert Frost

At last, 





I hope this article was helpful to you!

Thank you!

6 thoughts on “Psychological Facts About Love – Apply Them To Your Life

  • Prachi

    Extremely well researched and well put…. quite an interesting read here!!!

    • Lucky

      True and commendable.

  • Niharika Chauhan

    Excellent effort dear🤘

  • Shalu Jain

    Nice read👍


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