Signs Your Mental Health Is Declining

Mental Health is perhaps the most important aspect of health but usually gets no importance due to the stigmas surrounding it. We shy away from talking about it due to these stigmas. You would be surprised to know that most physical illnesses start from the mind.  Also, that is where recovery stems from too. Our mind functions like a supercomputer that controls our body. It literally never stops working. Which is why it is so important to look after one’s mental health as we do with physical. So how do we know the signs?

We need to be more aware of ourselves and watch out for these signs that our mental health is declining-

1) You Are Unable To Sleep At Night

If you’re unable to sleep at night or lie in bed tossing and turning, you need to find a way to calm your mind down. Broken sleep, waking up too many times and nightmares are all signs of your mental health declining. Your mental health needs to get a good night’s sleep.

unable to sleep at night due to stress

What to do- Don’t touch your phone 30 mins before bedtime. Avoid hanging around in your bedroom or taking naps during the day. Another thing to stay away from is caffeine. We tend to have an overdose of caffeine in the day especially when we have not slept well the night before. Try tiring yourself out with an exercise at the end of the day if cutting out caffeine won’t do it. Sleep with your room dark and cold with a cozy blanket.

Also Read: 5 Sleep Deprivation Effects On Your Body

2) You Are Always Tired Or Fatigued

On some days it is hard to get out of bed, we all want to sleep a little longer. This is different from feeling tired as soon as you wake up. Feeling tired and fatigued to do anything at all is a flag your mental health is putting out for you. Watch out if your gloomy mood tends to linger on for more than a week or two.

constant tiredness and fatigue due to overactive mind

What to do- Begin the day with a nice walk outdoors so you can soak up enough sun.


3) A Loss Of Interest In Work, People And Hobbies

When your mental health is declining, things that interested you seem dull and boring. Nothing seems to hold your attention. Everything feels unimportant, even the things you once enjoyed thoroughly. Your mood is constantly on a down low and you feel lost even in familiar territory.

Check Out: Warning Signs of Mental Illness

lack of interest in hobbies due to declining mental health

What to do- Make the effort to go anyways. If you need some hand-holding ask a friend to accompany you. Do not stay home and avoid all sorts of plans it will only cause more reluctance and anxiety.


4) Feel like Crying Or Have Crying Spells

Have you been crying more than usual? Have you been feeling like you want to cry for no reason at all? It could be a sign of accumulated stress weighing you down. A feeling of frustration sets in when we have tolerated anything that is out of our control. You will feel you have become more sensitive than usual. Choked up emotions and difficulty in expressing them can also lead to crying spells.

crying spells due to declining mental health

What to do- Call up a friend or try and watch a tv show. Do something that you like that will keep you happy. Find a way to express yourself to free those emotions that are holding you back.


5) Changes In Weight And Appetite

A sudden drop or increase on the scale or appetite points to the fact your mind is working overdrive. When your mental health is affected these changes are physically visible. Some people eat too much while some can barely eat. For some despite eating the right things, their body is unable to maintain good health.

changes in weight due to changes in mental health

What to do- Exercise! A good workout session is a great mood booster. It uplifts your spirit and releases some of the stored up stress.


6) Indigestion Or Tummy Issues

You might have a very strong body but most of us take it for granted. We don’t realize that it will crumble under severe stress if left unchecked. We may want to believe we are invincible but we should know it does catch up. Poor digestion, an irritated or upset stomach are all related to your mental health.

stomach issues due to stress

What to do- Try and identify what is the issue that you’re unable to accept. Include fresh fruits and greens in your diet and avoid spicy food. Involve meditation as a part of your daily routine to calm your mind.


7) Panic Attack Or Mental Breakdown

A panic attack or a Mental breakdown is the most obvious of signs. It often comes after a period of prolonged stress or trauma. It is usually the last to show up as compared to the other signs. It’s important to stay calm and focus on your breathing when you feel this way.

woman having an emotional breakdown

What to do- Take deep breaths. Inhale and Exhale. Keep telling yourself that this will pass and shift your focus on something else. Identify a smell or an object that comforts you and have it handy to use when you need it.


Also Read: Pan India Toll-Free Mental Health Helpline

These are the different signs your body gives you when your mental health is declining.

It is extremely unfair that we rush to a doctor at the slightest hint of the flu but cannot seek help when our mental health is declining! What we must do is to set small targets for ourselves daily. When the set target has been completed the sense of achievement is great. Try to set a routine of beginning your day with the attitude of gratitude. Schedule a time during the day for mindful meditation. Many guided meditations are available on youtube, all you need to do is search.

If need be do not be afraid to seek help from a therapist. It is no different than seeing a doctor when you are running a fever. Do not live with the misconception that you will be able to manage on your own as it will add an extra burden to your already burdened mind. It is important to keeping monitoring yourself and look after your own mental health. Do not give up and lose hope if the going gets tough. Remember that this is a phase that will pass. Like everything else, this too won’t last forever!

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