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5 Sleep Deprivation Effects On Your Body

Sleep deprivation is quite common these days. With the increasing use of technology along with fast paced lifestyle, a good night’s sleep is a luxury! However, lack of sleep has several harmful effects on the body. To know more, read on!

5 Harmful effects of sleep deprivation on your body

sleep deprivation and its effects on body
effects of sleep deprivation

Sleeping late at night, getting up early for work, and being irritated the whole day. A typical day of a sleep-deprived person. One must sleep at least 5-7 hrs a day. However, we seldom get a good night’s sleep nowadays! But sleep deprivation has serious implications on your body. Here’s a list of the effects of sleep deprivation on your body.

1) Lack of sleep can make you sick!

Ever felt sick after an all-nighter or week of sleep deprivation? Well here’s why. Did you now your brain repairs your body systems when you sleep? So losing sleep can impair your body’s ability to fight off illness. This makes it easier to get sick.

you get sick
Source: The Hans India

Researchers even uncovered a reciprocal relationship between sleep and your immune system. You may lose additional sleep while your body fights off a bug if you get sick and haven’t had enough shut-eye. So now you know why doctors tell you to rest when you’re sick! The mantra to avoid sickness is good sleep+good food!

2) Sleep deprivation leads to poor memory

Turns out your immune system is not the only one to suffer due to a lack of sleep! People tend to be more forgetful when they are sleep deprived. Not only can lack of sleep make you more forgetful, but there’s also a growing body of research indicating that sleep has an impact on learning and memory.

poor memory due to sleep deprivation
Source: The Tribune Online

Researchers suggest that sleep is critical to the process of consolidating the things we learn in the brain. In other words, we need proper rest to lock in new information and commit it to memory. So give your brain enough time to trash out the unwanted memories and sort out the useful ones! A good night’s sleep is all it asks!

3) Your skin suffers due to sleep deprivation

Yes you read it right and science proves it! In one study, a group of people between the ages of 30 and 50 were evaluated based on their sleep habits and the condition of their skin. The results revealed that those with too little sleep had more fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin color, and marked looseness of the skin.

dark circles
Sleep deprivation can cause dark circles

The poor sleepers were also more dissatisfied with their appearance than their well-rested counterparts. Sleep helps your skin to refresh and rejuvenate. They don’t call it beauty sleep for no reason!

4) lack of sleep may reduce libido!

Oh no you wouldn’t want that, would you?! Sleep deprivation can result in reduction of your sex drive. In one study, young men who lost sleep over a one-week period showed a decrease in testosterone levels. Sleeping 5 or fewer hours reduced sex hormone levels by as much as 10 to 15 percent.

reduced libido
loss of libido

The men also reported that their overall mood and vigor declined with each consecutive night of interrupted rest. Well if you haven’t slept, then at the end of the day you would want a cozy bed and not sex right?! So get good sleep and good sex will follow!

5) Your heart suffers due to less sleep

If sex wasn’t enough to convince you, this surely will! In particular, your chances of developing coronary heart disease or having a stroke are greatly increased with less sleep.

heart suffers due to sleep deprivation
sleep well for a good heart!

Moreover, according to an analysis published in the European Heart Journal, both short sleep durations (< 5 hrs) and long sleep durations (>9hrs) have been shown to have a negative impact on heart health. Sleep helps reboot your heart’s function. So it’s a wise decision to skip a party and sleep timely!

So the next time you take mobile to your bed or plan a night out, think about your body and choose wisely! And trust me, you can get over anything and anyone with a good night’s sleep! So keep your body healthy and avoid sleep deprivation!

Till then, keep the bed cozy, sleep tight and good night!

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