
15 Things That Should NOT Be Tolerated

15 Things That Should NOT Be Tolerated: Life is change, but growth is optional. In life, we tolerate so many unnecessary things which bleed us of our strength and happiness.

“We tolerate people to our own virtue, but tolerate bad ideas to our own demise.”

Isn’t it more important for you to focus on your own growth and potential than to tolerate and even adapt to situations or people that sap your energy?

Intolerance has a bad reputation. And with good reason too. Still, I’m not so sure it should be thrown out with the bathwater quite yet. Nothing is truly black and white and to be tolerant means to also indulge in intolerance. A healthy balance is always good.

If you can bother with things that don’t need your concern, then you have too much free time! Intolerance of such wastefulness allows you to use it on your own betterment rather than situations which do not need it. 

15 Things That Should NOT Be Tolerated

Make yourself your own priority. Maybe this sounds selfish but self-love has always sounded selfish over the years. Its only after you experience it that you realize that self-love is the purest form of selflessness.

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Tolerance is good, but tolerating some things in life are not. Here are a few things I believe one should never tolerate:

#1. Self-Depreciating Thoughts

The words we use when we talk to ourselves or about ourselves matters tremendously. They matter because our words tend to gel into belief. And belief sets the parameter for action.

15 Things That Should NOT Be Tolerated

The way we think, the way we talk about ourselves, the tone and words and meaning we use in our internal dialogue, shapes us, affecting (sometimes infecting) our attitudes and reactions to life. When we criticize and condemn, we start to believe we’re less, unworthy, inevitable screw-ups and good for very little.

Self-depreciating humor is a trademark ability of the Millennial and the Gen Z. However, everything is acceptable to a limit.

Tolerate mistakes and human imperfection. Don’t tolerate the self-abusive contempt we sometimes internalize when we inevitably stumble.

#2. Abusive Relationships

Needless to be said, abuse is not fun. Its highly romanticized in books and movies which is, frankly, quite disgusting, since love borne out of abuse is not really love, isn’t it?

Being a pushover is never the solution to a difficult relationship. Tolerating hurtful treatment weakens self-esteem and self-confidence and perpetuates the cycle of emotional abuse.


And a physical abuse is obviously a huge no-go.

Don’t even try. Abusers need a good long time in jail with a therapist to see normal people again. Its best you stay far away from such people, be it your parents, your friends, or your lover.

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#3. Stagnant Routine Life

Boring, normal, stagnant. 

Don’t let yourself be swept away by what everyone does so much that you forget what you want.

Just because you’ve always done it, doesn’t mean you have to continue.  Just because you’ve never done it, doesn’t mean you can’t start now.

Be true to your own heart and don’t tolerate the mundane everyday life. Get a new hobby, grow a plant, adopt a cat. Be random and expressive.

The most important currency in life is experience. Money comes and goes, but your experiences stay with you until your very last breath. So don’t be afraid to mix things up and challenge yourself with new life experiences.  Sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need.

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#4. Expectations of Perfection

Don’t tolerate or harbor unrealistic expectations of perfection. As children, many of us grew up pampered, believing we could do anything only to be hit in the face by reality and realizing we weren’t quite that perfect.

Feel that disappointment? It will follow you everywhere if you don’t understand that nothing can be perfect.

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Even if you pour your heart and soul into it, you will never achieve a state of absolute perfection. There will always be moments of uncertainty; there will always be days where nothing goes right.

But as time rolls on you will learn that even the most imperfect situations can be made better with a little love and laughter.

#5. Dishonesty

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There is no point keeping friendships or significant others you can’t trust. Life isn’t a game where you need to constantly monitor your surroundings. You should be around safe and comfortable people who have earned your trust. 

Dishonesty is a deal breaker in every relationship, I think. If you can’t even trust their word, then can your trust their friendship?

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#6. Infidelity

It’s hard to describe exactly what being cheated on feels like, but to no one’s surprise, it can be decently summed up with this: It sucks.

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While forgiving your partner is up to you and depends on whether they deserve the chance to redeem themselves, do not accept any old excuse. Don’t be tolerant of a cheater. 

It doesn’t matter if you end up forgiving them, the hurt and the pain was real so make sure they know how unacceptable cheating is.

#7. Negativity

Choose to be unhappy and you will find a million reasons to complain and frown. Choose to be happy and you will find a million reasons to smile.

Choose to be happy. Its much easier and healthier for your physical and mental health.

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#8. Fear of Change

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We fear change because we can’t anticipate the outcome.

Its the fear of going to a new school and wondering what if you never made a friend. What if no one liked you? Its the fear of moving to a new state and wondering what your neighbor is like of if they’ll be nice to you.

The paradox is that although we reject uncertainty, we have the skills to change and evolve. Fear is an emotion that gets in the way—we lose clarity about our potential.

Move forward and lose this fear. Its not worth it.

#9. Discrimination

Do I even need to explain?

Black, brown, Muslim, Hindu, gay, lesbian, men, women, almost everyone has suffered some form of discrimination. 

To stop this, we can’t just sit idly by and watch as laws change or social workers cry out their souls. We have to do something ourselves. 

Change begins at home.

We can start by stopping that one racist lady at work from berating a black co-worker, or by standing up for your gay cousin in front of your conservative grandma or you know the pattern, the list goes on. 

Start small but start. 

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#10. Social Conditioning

Listen, knowing who you are is one thing, but truly believing and living as yourself is another.

With all the social conditioning in our society we sometimes forget to stay true to ourselves. Don’t lose yourself out there. You can’t attract the right people into your life when you’re pretending to be someone else.

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So be yourself, and if you can’t find a group whose values and consciousness matches your own, be the source of one. Others with like values and consciousness will be drawn to you.

Don’t worry about others think too much, either.

#11. Lack of Communication

Healthy communication is essential to your life happiness. If you aren’t communicating properly with someone, you feel anxious, angry, frustrated, and helpless.

Open, honest, loving communication is the number one ingredient for successful relationships. If you don’t know how to communicate in a healthy way, then learn how to and begin to implement these skills.

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But if its the other person who refuses to maintain healthy communication, then maybe its time to let them go. 

#12. Wastefulness

Never tolerate wastefulness. Loss of time, food, money, energy and other resources due to wastefulness is a bad way of living. 

Go ahead and use them for better purposes. Donate, help, and lend a hand. 

Tolerance of wastefulness will lead to accumulating even worse habits. Its best if you never entertain them from the start.

Clean your room, feed that extra scrap to the stray dog, do your stuff on time. No one is asking you to be a military personnel, just have basic human usefulness.

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#13. Drama

Don’t get caught up in judging and gossiping. Don’t give in to the negativity and drama around you.

Be positive.

Give people a piece of your heart rather than a piece of your mind. Even though it would be so easy to bash their face in, deep breaths there, my dude, deep breaths. 

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Try to focus on positive aspects of your life and be the same that you that you always are. Drama fades away and soon someone else will be their target. Even if they still treat you rashly, treat them well. Prove them wrong. 

If they say you can’t top the class, do it. If they say you can’t murder them in their sleep……well, I’ll leave the rest to you.

I’m sure you know what to do.

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#14. Excess

When things aren’t adding up in your life, start subtracting. Life gets easier when you delete the things and people that make it difficult.

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Get rid of some of life’s complexities so you can spend more time with people you love and do more of the things you love. This means getting rid of the mental and physical clutter, and eliminating all but the essential, so you are left with only that which gives you value.

#15. Sleep Deprivation

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Never tolerate sleep deprivation. Your productivity suffers when your body and mind are deprived of adequate time to rest and recover in a comfortable, clean sleeping environment every night.

On that note, I’ll wrap this up and go take a nap myself! 

There are various things in life that should not be tolerated. I mentioned the very basics. There should be a good, long, nice list made due to our own morals and values as well.

While intolerance is certainly bad in many cases, what is justice but another kind of intolerance?

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