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Male Body Facts You Didn’t Know About!

Male bodies are less talked about than females bodies. Everyone talks about female skincare, fashion, and make-up. But only a few talk about the needs of men. Moreover, the market is female-centric in terms of beauty and wellness. And this might lead to a lack of knowledge regarding the male body.

facts about the male body you didn't know
Facts about the male body you didn’t know!

Facts About The Male Body You Didn’t Know!

When you talk about male bodies, what we picture is a muscular and chiseled Greek god-like body. It would be surprising to know that there are several facts that are unknown to most of us (even men!) about the male body. Here are a select few facts which might interest you! So let’s dive right into it!

1) Male body ages slower than the female body

Have you ever wondered how Keanu Reeves and Tom cruise look so young even after three long decades?! Well, we have found the answer to this mystery. This might be sad news to the ladies but the male body tends to age slowly compared to females.

men age slower than females
Men age slower than women

A man’s skin loses its concentration of collagen much slower as he ages, meaning it’s much more resistant to wrinkling and sagging. Dermatologists claim that women tend to lose more collagen after menopause, which results in skin aging.

However, men may lose their youthful skin if not taken care of. Not having proper skin care routines, sun damage and shaving-related surface trauma may negate this natural advantage. A good sunscreen goes a long way in helping men to retain the soft, supple, and youthful skin.

2) Men have a G–spot!

We all know females have a G-spot that heightens pleasure and helps in reaching orgasm. It might come as a shock to you but men also have G – spots!

male body facts
Men have g-spots. Surprising ain’t it?!

What’s less known is that men have such g-spots too! The prostate and the area between their butt and genitals have proven to arouse them and heighten the pleasure during sex. The male body is a mystery that never disappoints!

3) Male body and Adam’s Apple

Ever wondered why males with low, heavy voices are more attractive? Here’s why. Adam’s apple in females is just thyroid cartilage protecting the vocal cords. But it serves more functions in a male body. The vocal cords in men are usually bigger than females. So, their cartilages are thicker and more prominent.

facts about the male body
Ever wondered why Adam’s apple is so prominent in men?

The cartilage is also responsible for the higher tone in people’s voices. During the teenage years, its angle changes, forming Adam’s apple and leading to the so-called “breaking” of a person’s voice. So bigger vocal cords mean a bigger voice.

4) Color Perception

Haven’t we all argued for choosing the right color for the wall or the right shirt for an event? Fuchsia and baby pink maybe the same for your man! Men can see fewer shades than women, and the reason is quite simple.

men can see fewer colors than women
Male body has less cone cells and see fewer shades of colors.

Color perception is determined by retinal cone cells. The information about them is contained in the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes, the number of cone cells they possess is, naturally, twice as high as that of men. So the next time your man says there’s no difference between sea green and sky blue, just let it go!

5) Men can lactate!

We have saved the best for the last! It may be hard to believe but men can lactate too! Male lactating is considered abnormal, and it’s not common for them to do so. Also, this milk is not enough for babies.

men lactate!!!
The male body can produce milk!

The male body, like the female body, has mammary glands which are responsible for milk production. This can occur when too much of the hormone prolactin is produced. This might be the result of certain kinds of medical treatment used to stimulate the heart, problems with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, use of opioids, or due to extreme hunger.

Now you know a lot better about your man and his body! If you know more unknown facts about the male body, share in the comments below! Lets spread awareness about male bodies and educate people!

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