
Coronavirus Triggering Mental Health Issues

Coronavirus is keeping half of the world’s population locked inside their houses. Well, some parts of the world are still under lockdown. And thus coronavirus is triggering mental health issues in a vast number of people. We’re are not working the way we used to before all this lockdown thing. But the brain is on its job as usual, which makes it more concerning for all of us.

The most common mental health issues highlighted these days include lack of sleep, increasing OCD, bereavement, dementia, and caveat. As there are several mental health issues being reported. A new term, corona psychosis, has been introduced to differentiate the symptoms from normal health problems.

A major part of the young population is facing mental health issues such as not able to think stably, and a lot of question marks in the name of the future. Also not able to follow a routine that leads to not sleeping and eating on time.

Apart from that, patients of existing psychological illnesses are suffering a lot due to a lack of treatments on time. There is a delay in medical supply to such patients which makes it worse.

Coronavirus triggering mental health issues of different types;
Increasing OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental condition where a person repeatedly performs some routines. This compulsive and obsessive behavior leads one to have OCD. The chances to get OCD increases in situations such as locked inside the house for an uncertain time of period.

Currently, in lockdown, the most common symptoms of OCD observed are – washing hands repeatedly, cleaning already cleaned surface, and eating even when not hungry.

Bipolar Disorder

Generally, we ignore the rapid change in mood by saying it’s just a usual mood swing. In the case of women, it’s very easy to pass as they go through the menstrual cycle. But if your mood changes rapidly from laughing to crying in your secret hideout. Then it’s bipolar disorder, which can be cured with helpful therapies.

Bipolar disorder is being triggered by coronavirus as a mental health issue. It’s already common in young people. But due to lockdown, part of a large population already being diagnosed with bipolar disorder is getting treatment sporadically.

Unanticipated About Future

What’s going to happen next? This question arises every now and then in our minds. As the days are passing we have no idea what is waiting for us on the other end. Shops, malls, trains, and buses are getting back to the track in some parts of the world. But it’s still uncertain how soon we’ll be seeing our friends and families like we used to before.

It’s normal to think that way as we all are in the same boat. If you are worried about your loved ones, they also must be thinking about you. Thus don’t wait for the day when things will get better. Make a call and share your love. Work on your goals persistently. and keep yourself busy.


If you have someone around you who seems a little off or has some emotional changes, such as being paranoid, confused thinking. That can be a sign of schizophrenia. Just like bipolar disorder, this can also be cured with regular therapeutic assistance and medication.

In these cases, emotional support works wonderfully. That is nothing but to stay there holding on to those, getting detached and boxed.


When corona first came into sight of the world, it was more like a shock as it was causing thousands of deaths each day. Even now as the several months have passed, going out seems unsafe. No matter allowed or not, it just makes us cautious.

Thus, staying at home becomes the only choice rather than an issued order or advisory. Though, it’s hard to be at a place with no changes in ambiance and people around you. And it can make you sad and crazy over the people around you even on small things.

But you need to remember that we are in this together.

Things to do to overcome/avoid the mental health issues

It’s always possible to survive but we need to live while we’re surviving for that we need to work on certain things. Such as keeping a healthy body so that you can have good thoughts eventually.

Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated. Add some easy to go workout to your daily routine. Well, I prefer yoga above all. As it helps to calm yourself up. But that’s not mandatory that it will work for all.

Keep yourself busy but not in scrolling over the social media. Limit your exposure to social media as it can make you more anxious about what’s going on out there. Don’t watch too much Netflix as it has it’s own side effects. Pick any of your old school hobbies and relive them.

Make connections and set priorities to spend your day in peace.

These are the hard times, but it’s always possible to keep up with your mental health. And share some love with those who are going through mental health issues triggered by corona virus.

Also Read Important Steps To Live A Healthy Life

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