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Road Trip Essentials To Pack

Road trips are the most adventurous way of travelling with an added thrill of finding stunning spots and hitting the breaks. But, road trips bring with them the additional tasks and challenges. Packaging road trip essentials is easier said than done. What to pack and what not to? To make your upcoming road trip a little easier, here is a list of some essential road trip items that you must pack in order to survive your days in a car.

First Aid Kits

Minor and major accidents happen all the time on highways. Therefore, it is important to have a first aid kit consisting of all the major things like bandages, and common medicines that you or your companions may need on the way. Also, in this time of Covid19, make sure to add hand sanitisers and soaps along with spare masks to protect yourself from catching the virus.


Car Documents 

It is extremely important to carry all the car documents while going on a long road trip. The documents must include the registration certificates, insurances, pollution certificates. In addition, if you plan of going on an inter-state trip, then you may need to carry a Covid19 antibody test report in some states. 

Car Documents

Spare Tyre

I believe that you definitely don’t want to hunt for a garage in the middle of the night if the tyre of your car gets punctured. Therefore, in order to not get stuck at a lonely place at night, make sure you carry a spare tyre so that nothing can stop you from enjoying the road trip.

Spare Tyre


Water Bottles

It isn’t always safe to grab water from any corner shop and pacify your thirst from it. Hence, you must carry big water bottles for drinking and washing purposes.

Large water Bottles

Portable Chargers

As we see in movies, the actor’s phone battery dies at a place emitting some spooky vibes. In such a situation, it is really important to carry a portable charger and a power bank so that you can charge your phone even if you don’t have access to power.


There are times when you can’t find a hotel to empty your bowels. Therefore, it is wise to pack some essential toiletries like soap, handwash, toothbrush and toothpaste so as to remain clean after doing your stuff behind the bushes.



Also Read: A Guide to Travelling Etiquettes & Public Utility Spaces

Trash Bag

While journeying on a road trip, trash gets accumulated really fast. Also, it is totally foolish to drop the cans, empty packets and other trash on the roadsides. So, it is very responsible to carry big trash bags to keep all the wasteful materials until you find a dustbin.


Road trip means that you don’t have access to major facilities anywhere nearby. It happens especially while travelling along the deserted places. So, it is important to pack some food and grab some packaged food to fill your starving stomach. Also, carrying food will help you to stay protected from catching the Coronavirus and other flu-like symptoms.



After packing these road trip essentials, you are all set to go on a long road trip. You can relieve yourself from the stress and frustration from being stuck at home for the last five months. If you find this guide useful or have any query, let me know in the comments section.


Happy Journey! 

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