
What actually is a balanced diet?

Life is all about balancing things, and so comes the concept of a balanced diet, restoring our body’s needs and requirements. Numerous technical advancements have caused a variety of changes in our lifestyle and have brought changes to our food habits as well. Our kitchen has seen the most drastic changes with fruits and green vegetables replaced with mayonnaise and cheese. Well! It’s high time we improved our eating habits and switch to a healthy diet. So what basically is a balanced diet?


veggies are an important part of balanced diet

The elements of the balanced diet

Here we’ll have a look at what is a balanced diet and what kinds of food items it consists of. A balanced diet, by definition, is the diet that fulfils all the nutritional needs of a person and helps in remaining fit and healthy. Moreover, it acts as a saviour from diseases. Here is the list of the five vital ingredients that a balanced diet consists. So, it comprises:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • grains
  • protein
  • dairy


They are a source of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, eating a variety of veggies will ensure that you include different nutrients on your plate. Although green leafy and beany vegetables are the most beneficial. It is better just to cook them and eat rather than deep frying as it kills the purpose of a healthy diet. Broccoli, cabbage, legumes are some of the essential food items one can eat.


Fruits are profusely rich in vitamins and essential sugar. As a result, they provide our body with a daily recommended amount of sugar dosage. Nutrients experts recommend eating fruits as a whole rather than having it in the form of juice. Seasonal fruits are the most preferred amongst all. Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C.


There are two varieties of grains, whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains are more abundant in proteins and fibre. Oatmeal is a great option on which you can trust by giving up on pasta, pizza and other bakery products. 


One of the primary elements of a balanced diet. It is generally found in meat, beef and tofu. Vegetarians can go for legumes, beans e.t.c Remember to peel the skin off the meat to cut down unhealthy cholesterol which kills the purpose of a balanced diet. Vegetarians can opt for tofu, legumes and beans.


They are a perennial source of calcium and Vitamin-D. Extremely important for the development of bones. Cheese, milk and curd form the significant part of the diet. Almond and soy milk can be considered an alternative.

good for the heart

Its hidden benefits & secrets

  • Helps in weight loss
  • Stops ageing and makes you look younger
  • Prevents you from falling prey to any disease
  • Ensures mental peace and improves concentration

Scientists recommend the consumption of lean protein, soluble fibre, dairy product, seasonal fruits and vegetables for remaining healthy and fit. So give your fitness goals a boost by following a balanced diet accompanied by moderate to intense exercise. So, what are you waiting for? Start eating healthy and flaunt your toned and lean body!! Mention some healthy food options which you follow in comments below.


Explorer & Wanderer

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